Systema Naturӕ
Foundation for Biodiversity NPO

Systema Naturea


Systema Naturӕ, Foundation for Biodiversity is a non-profit organisation created with the aim of protecting the environment and preserving biological diversity.

Systema Naturӕ supports, through fundraising activities, scientific research, conservation, environmental restoration, awareness-raising projects on Biodiversity and on the related issues of its loss.


Our biodiversity is an immense heritage to protect and enhance.
There is an incredible variety of living organisms, linked to each other, all essential for human life and the protection of our planet.

The Foundation's commitment


Fundraising with the aim of financing and implementing biodiversity protection projects.

Scientific protection

Funding of scientific and technological research projects in favour of our environment and its future.

Environmental Protection

FFunding and implementation of projects for nature protection and biodiversity preservation.

We preserve our nature

By making a donation to the Systema Naturӕ Foundation
you will help to preserve our planet's biodiversity.
Your simple act can save the world.


Foundation for Biodiversity NPO

C.F: 97465230585
Phone: (+ 39) 348 38 05 004

Registered office: Via Salaria Km 29.300 CNR Area Ricerca – 00015 Monterotondo - Roma
Scientific headquarters: Via della Lungara 229/230 Pal. Auditorio Accademia Nazionale Dei Lincei – 00165 Roma